The Comprehensive Case Management and Employment Program (CCMEP) is an innovative program that serves young adults between the ages of 14 and 24. CCMEP helps participants overcome barriers and achieve self-sufficiency through training, education, and employment.
Young adults in this program also receive wrap-around case management services and support.
What services are available?
The following are some examples, depending on each individual’s unique needs:
- Paid and unpaid work experiences
- Career coaching
- Education and career training
- Tutoring
- Preparing for college or work credential training
- Supportive services, including transportation, child care, housing, uniforms and work-related tools
- Help to start a business
- Help with budgeting
- High school equivalency training
- Counseling
- Mentoring
- Leadership development
What makes CCMEP unique?
CCMEP engages participants in meaningful employment and training activities that can help them build lifelong, sustainable careers. It focuses on people, not programs, and gives caseworkers the flexibility to offer more constructive services that build on participants’ strengths, increase their skills and meet their unique needs.
For more information on eligibility or enrollment, visit
In Greene County contact the Greene County Ohio Means Jobs office at (937) 562-6565.