Family Fitness Is Good For All

Saturday, September 28th is Family Health & Fitness Day.

In today’s society, many struggle to maintain a healthy weight and be fit. Life is so busy that most individuals don’t have time to prepare, cook, sit down at the dinner table and eat healthy meals. It just seems to be easy to order out or pick something up.

I’ll be the first to admit that I’m guilty of this. Although I have food in my refrigerator, I’d rather order out or eat the quick-fix food I have in my pantry that’s pretty much junk and no good for me. I often wonder, why is it that everything that typically tastes great, is not good for you?

If we don’t make fitness a priority, many of us will have health problems or make existing ones worse.

As I think and try to make choices to make getting fit a conscious decision, I would also like to share them all with of you.

While researching this topic, these are a few tips I found that could help you have fun and enjoy as you begin the journey to being fit.

Backyard Obstacle Course- create obstacle courses around the backyard such as running through the cones. A hula hoop contest is another activity that could help get fit. Of course, adaptations might have to come along to accommodate people with a disability but there’s always a way.

Strength Training- using weights is a great way to get fit. This is one of my favorites because when I lift five pounds weights, I can really feel the burn throughout my body. You don’t have to use heavy weights to get results. Also, standing for me and doing squats seem to help loosen up my muscles. By no means is it easy but necessary so I can keep my physical independence.

Dance- dancing is by far my favorite activity to keep in shape. It doesn’t matter about your physical capabilities for when you hear one of your favorite tunes, it’s going to make you want to move something. Some movements are better than no movement.

Meals That’s Healthy but Taste Good- finding foods that are good but taste good is a challenge. I love cheese, sugar, and anything buttery. All will cause pounds to pile on, clog arteries and raise blood sugar levels. We must learn to substitute our favorites with healthier options. I’m not saying we can’t have them but maybe not so much. It’s also a good plan to eat only when you’re hungry, not just for the heck of it and it’s suggested to proportion your meals intake.

Attached is a link to healthier meal preparation that I’ll be trying:

Since we only have one life to live, let’s try to live it as healthily as possible. As family, one of our duties is to look after one another. Let’s start by trying to keep all those you hold close in your heart, fit.

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