Fall in with Accessible Trails

It’s that time of the year when beautiful colors start to appear. Burnt oranges, browns, dark reds and tans are of the now. Yes, fall is here.

Fall, which is my favorite time of year, produces some of the most beautiful colors. I’m always looking for a place to take in the colorful scenery and what better way to take them in than on a trail.

Visiting trails are not only a great way to see all the magnificent colors, it’s also a great way to enjoy nature and relax your mind.

For most going to enjoy a trail doesn’t take a lot of thought or preparation. If your able-bodied, you just show up and go about your merry way. For people with physical disabilities, it just not that easy.

When thinking about going to trail to take in the color of fall, the first thing I think about if the trail is accessible. An accessible trail in my mind would feature, a paved path for me to easily access my scooter. Perhaps, the trail would have no potholes for my tires to get stuck in. Maybe, the trail would have some interactive activities I can do that are at my level so I can reach them while on my scooter.

And yes, what a wonderful thing it would be if the trail that I wanted to go to on, had a “real” Americans with Disabilities compliance accessible restroom. Plus, if there was a universal changing table installed in one of the stalls for people who needed it that would be great.

Oh, what a great dream.

Well, I’m here to tell you, dreams really do come true. I recently learned there’re trails in Ohio that are accessible that you can go!

Ohio is on the ball for there’re many trails’ people with disabilities can go to and enjoy. There’re so many, that I’ve attached a link to list below.

Ohio Wheelchair Accessible Trails & Trail Maps | TrailLink

Now, although I’m happy about this list, I must warn my disabilities community that if you plan to visit one of these trails, call first. What might be consider accessible to people without disabilities is totally different to people with disabilities.

With this, I’m still going to try to visit a few of the trails on the list. I’m hopeful that a few may have the accessibilities that I’m looking for and need.

Fall is the third season of the year. It’s during this time when I plan for anew. I am one that always have plans for I know they make me tick.

Seeing beautiful colors and exploring during this season inspires me. With this I’ll be forging ahead to find the accessible trails to inspire me.

It’s my hopes that you’ll take in a trail this fall too. If you know or have been on a trail that you think me and others will like that is accessible, please leave a comment.

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