Be Kind To Human Kindness

This week is Be Kind to Human Kindness!

I love the kindness of human beings. I have been shown much kindness in my life and I’m very appreciative of it.

A lot of human kindness was on display at the 2024 Olympics in Paris. I was glued to the television for sixteen days watching various events, but I was also very touched by the personal stories that came along with the Olympians.

One story that really pulled at my heart strings was the story of Veronica Fraley.

Veronica was a discus thrower for team USA. Like with all the events, discus throwing is another that takes a lot of physicality. One must be in good shape and prepared to spin around on one leg fast in the attempt to throw a discus, long distance.

Even thinking about what it takes to accomplish this task makes me tired.

Although Veronica is good at her craft, her mind was elsewhere before her big event. Veronica’s mind was on how she was going to pay her rent.

I’m a little baffled, for I thought if you made it to Olympian status, your pockets would be fat. If not, I thought you would have so many sponsors that money wouldn’t be one of your problems. Boy was I wrong.

Many Olympians are just like you and I working day-to-day for a paycheck. The only difference between them and us, is they are also practicing hard in hopes of one day competing in the Olympic games.

After hearing Veronica’s story, rap star and reality personality Flavor Flav jumped into action. This is where human kindness comes into play.

Flavor Flav, offered to pay Veronica’s rent! All he wanted her to do was concentrate on doing good at her event. As if that wasn’t good enough, then Alexis Ohanian who’s married to the great tennis player, Serena Williams, jumped in offering to split Veronica’s rent with Flavor Flav. Talk about human kindness at its best. This is a great example!

Both gentlemen took a big weight off Veronica’s shoulders so she could give it her all.

Although Veronica was shown human kindness in the way of money, human kindness comes in all different forms.

As we honor this week of human kindness, smile and say hello to someone, let a car in front of you, pay it forward, take out the garbage or do anything you can think of to show kindness.

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