Providing care, counseling, and wellness for mind and spirit

GESMV Behavioral Health Services

Individuals with mental illness or addiction challenges need support and guidance in order to manage their lives effectively. Our programs focus on recovery and skills-training to provide a foundation for success and self-sufficiency.

GESMV Behavioral Health Services

A.L.L. Club Youth Collaborative

A.L.L. Club Youth Collaborative is a community for transition-age youth, grades 7 - 12 impacted by mental health concerns, substance use or trauma.
The purpose of A.L.L. Club is to provide an inclusive environment that allows youth to feel accepted, supported and uplifted.

Members meet 3:00 pm - 6:30 pm - Monday - Friday.

Group of young white people sitting in a therapy circle and sharing.

Main Street Recovery Center

The GESMV Main Street Recovery Center provides counseling, diagnostic assessment, and case management for people dealing with mental health or substance abuse issues. The program also offers mental health services for children, as well as individual and group counseling sessions. In addition, we offer psychiatry services, including Medication Assisted Treatment for substance abuse issues.

White man and woman by garden patch. Both are smiling.

Miracle Clubhouse

At the heart of the Miracle Clubhouse is the belief that every member can sufficiently recover from the effects of mental illness to lead a personally satisfying and productive life. Together, members and staff participate in activities that provide a solid foundation for growth, self-respect and individual accomplishment. Decision making and governance involves members and staff working together to develop Clubhouse plans and policies.

Medical Disposable Pouches- Prevention Team

Do you need a quick and safe way to dispose of your medication?
Medication Disposal Pouches provide safe, convenient and permanent disposal of unused, expired or unwanted medications at home, in local businesses or community organizations. Medication Disposal Pouches packaging is plant based. Activated carbon is used in each medication disposal pouch to neutralize prescription medications, over the counter medications, vitamins , and E-liquids.
To get your free disposable pouches contact Gail Dafler at or call 937-684-0316.


Goodwill Easterseals Miami Valley (GESMV) in partnership with Montgomery County Alcohol, Drug Addiction, and Mental Health Services (ADAMHS) has launched the Miami Valley Warmline, which provides free and confidential mental and behavioral health peer-support services to the community.
The warmline is a phone number you can call to receive early intervention with emotional support that can prevent a crisis along with learning about behavioral health and recovery resources available to them in the community.
This differs from emergency hotlines and is not intended for emergency calls.
The Miami Valley Warmline is available Monday – Friday 11 am – 7 pm by calling 937-528-7777.