Miami Valley Works
Seeking to eliminate poverty in our region by providing long-term job readiness training and ongoing coaching, support services, counseling, and follow-up, Miami Valley works is looking for new participants as well as employers.
Seeking to eliminate poverty in our region by providing long-term job readiness training and ongoing coaching, support services, counseling, and follow-up, Miami Valley works is looking for new participants as well as employers.
These specific employment programs focus on young adults ages 18-24. Individuals can get services that include educational supports, post-secondary training/education, employment assistance and case management.
Let Goodwill Easterseals Miami Valley help you obtain the necessary
tools and resources to help you reach your employment goals.
The Community Outreach Program is here to help guide you through the employment process. Our Employment Specialist will meet with you to learn more about your specific needs and goals and will assist you in finding a job that meets your goals
We can assist with the following:
• Resumé development
• Identifying a job goal
• Assistance with Job search and applying for job openings
• Locating available jobs not advertised
•Job interview preparation
• Available staffed computer lab for job searching
• Linking you to outside resources
Goodwill Easterseals Miami Valley has additional employment programs for adults, seniors, individuals with developmental disabilities, and youth. Programs also include:
• Business skills and customer service training
•Digital Skills Computer Training
• Placement services
• Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP)
• Work Experience Program – Ohio Works First Cash and Food Stamp Benefit Programs
• Comprehensive case management for youth ages 16-24
• Vocational Assessments / Career Planning
• Job coaching
Call the number below and a staff navigator will assess your needs and direct your call to you to appropriate program.
The reasons to employ veterans are compelling and interest from employers to do so is strong. Sometimes there are challenges for both. The Veterans & Employers Connection is here to help.