Fear Not

What is your biggest fear?

I’m afraid of going to the dentist. I’m talking pass out, sweating, crying, deathly afraid. It’s something about the lay back dental chair, numbing needle and drill that freaks me out every time I go.

Two years ago, I was having trouble with my back teeth.  I tried my best to ignore the pain but having a tooth ache is no joking matter. I also tried everything to ease the pain and nothing helped. The only thing left to do was schedule an appointment with the dentist.

My first initial visit wasn’t that bad; I knew no procedures were going to be done, yet I was still fearful. The dental technician was great. She could detect I was scared.  She talked about other things and even explained everything she was going to do before it happened. The dental technician was so good; she even asked me what radio station I wanted to listen to why she took x-rays of my teeth.

The dentist I saw during my visit was not very patient. I could tell he was aggravated because I kept squirming. You would have been too if he kept picking the teeth that hurt. After a very uncomfortable exam, he determined I needed to have two teeth pulled and it would be better if I was put under to make life easier. So, I was put on a waiting list, besides waiting for an appointment, there is only 1 week when they accept patients that need to go under.  The wait can be up to 2 years unless there is a cancellation.

I was hoping there would have never been any cancellations, but of course an appointment became available.  I was in panic mode for twenty-four hours until I arrived to my appointment. My favorite guy and my mom took me. I kept debating with them the night before why I shouldn’t go but they counter acted by telling me why I should.  Luckily, I was prescribed a happy pill to take two hours before. I insisted it wasn’t working, but I guess when you keep repeating yourself and have a case of the slows, the side effects are undeniable.

Not long after I got to my appointment, I was called back. The nurse even let my guy go back. To my surprise, there was another dentist waiting to take care of me. He was much nicer and patient or so my happy pill made to believe. The amazing technician who treated me previously was there along with the anesthesiologist and a few more people in white coats.

The first attempt at putting me under was unsuccessful.  I look at my guy as like he was to help me break-out, but he smiled and winked as it was tried again. Next thing I knew, I was on my couch awaking to my mom and favorite guy with a frosty to enjoy. Guess what’s the best part of this story? The two back teeth that were hurting me were gone.

Yes, I survived the dentist and plan to go back because you only get one set of “real” teeth. If you want to keep them, you must take care of them. I’ve found many with disabilities suffer with this same fear. Hopefully, more dentists will take heed and learn how to care for patients who require a little extra.

I still fear the dentist but not as bad. Everyone fears something. Good luck at conquering it.


6 comments on “Fear Not

  1. Debbie McBride on

    I never used to have any really bad fears. I mean I went for walks in the woods of Alaska without any fear. But I am uncomfortable on boats and bridges. Bridges have been a recent one and boats mainly because I can’t swim. There are a number of things I don’t like but not really fear them. I guess my one true fear is losing my husband. That scares me to death.

  2. Bristen Wells on

    You know what’s funny? Going to the dentist is one of my favorite things to do!! I think because I had such positive experiences as a child (plus there was a treasure chest you got to pick from after a visit). To this day I really love the dentist 🙂
    But I can empathize with you! Being afraid is not fun. When I started jumping horses again last year after a hiatus, I was surprisingly worried and afraid. But repetition and positive reinforcement helped me a lot, and I’m back to competition form!
    Good read Shari!

    • Shari Cooper on

      Love your comment Bristen!
      The one thing I fear the most is what you enjoy! Perhaps, you can help me get over my fear. I would love to see a video of you jumping horses. That’s so cool!

  3. Melody Mitchell on

    Yeah, I have to get my back tooth extracted and I’m not looking forward to it! I’ve just learned in fearful situations to take a deep breath and just keep walking forward.


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