Meet Jess

Growing up with a single mother suffering from alcoholism, Jess had a rough beginning. Having to grow up at a young age taking care of not only herself but her mother, proved to be a detriment to her.

“I always said I was never going to be like her, but I ended up being an alcoholic and a drug addict anyway,” Jess states.

She credits much of this to learned behaviors from early life, her struggle with personal mental health, as well as traumatic relationships with family and romantic partners as well.

Jess was married at a young age and had her first son when she was 22. The relationship proved to be unhealthy and traumatic, driving her further into her addiction. Weaving in and out of the criminal justice system in her early years, Jess struggled with her addictions for a majority of her life. “For almost 20 years I was an addict. I lost my children due to my alcoholism. I would always run away from my problems and turn to substances to cope.” Jess stated. After years of struggling through abusive relationships, alcoholism, and an unstructured life, Jess decided to turn things around.

“I’ve been sober for almost 3 years now. Yeah, it feels good,” Jess boasted.

In her journey to recovery, Jess was introduced to Miracle Clubhouse and credits much of her recovery and learned behaviors to its community. Within Miracle Clubhouse, she has been introduced to a family and community that provides structure and routine in her life, something that she feels helps her thrive. She has worked with Miracle Clubhouse’s Transitional Employment program, giving her the confidence and skills to eventually find permanent employment at GESMV, which she enjoys.

Through sustained work with counselors, therapists, and Clubhouse members, Jess has maintained her sobriety and stabilized her mental health. She is working on her relationships with her family, including her two sons.

“Clubhouse really saved my life. They’re a big support for me. God told me when I was learning about discernment that I would find a new family, more stable and supporting than my old family, and I have found that here at Clubhouse.”

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