Patrice Bringing Awareness The Marriage Penalty

Are you aware of the documentary, Patrice? If not, let me enlighten you.

This amazing documentary is about an awesome woman named, Patrice. Patrice is a lively, beautiful, and passionate lady who happens to also have cerebral palsy (CP). Patrice doesn’t let her disability stop her from doing anything. She works, lives independently, is very involved in the community and loves enjoying life.

Patrice is also very fortunate to have met the love of her life, Gary. Gary is also a very lively person and has CP.

Patrice and Gary’s love has grown to the point that they would like to get married.

Sounds simple enough doesn’t it. That’s typically the way it goes. You meet someone, fall in love and get married.

If you have a disability and receive federal benefits that you can’t afford to lose, the whole marriage thing is a big hurdle. Although you can still get married, this could leave you with nothing; no income and no medical insurance.

And this is what the documentary is all about:

Patrice and Gary are fighting to get rid of the marriage penalty, so they won’t lose their benefits.

I can feel Patrice and Gary’s frustration because my favorite guy and I are very much in love. He has proposed, put a ring on it, as Beyounce’s says, and have a beautiful home together; but we have chosen to not “legally” get married.

I love my favorite guy, but I can’t afford to lose any of my federal benefits.

If you ask me, this whole thing about if you get married, you’ll lose your benefits, it is a bunch of baloney. I often feel like society doesn’t feel like people with disabilities should get married. Perhaps, they don’t even think we have any desires of getting married, but we do.

Because someone must depend on federal benefits to live, it shouldn’t be the obstacle dangling over one’s heads to keep he or she from not getting married.

Since this documentary aired, it has received the national spot light!  I’m hopeful that the powers that be will rectify this situation and make this penalty another part of marriage equality.

Perhaps, soon Patrice and Gary will get the marriage they deserve and not have to worry about losing their livelihood. And maybe my favorite guy and I will too.

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