Donate at a Goodwill Store or Donation Center
Easy and convenient you can drop off your items at any of our more than 40 plus neighborhood Goodwill Stores and Donation Centers throughout our territory.
Easy and convenient you can drop off your items at any of our more than 40 plus neighborhood Goodwill Stores and Donation Centers throughout our territory.
Convenient and Easy!! Goodwill will park one of our mobile donation trailers at your home or office for up to a week at no cost. (This service only available in MONTGOMERY and GREENE counties.)
Drop off is Monday thru Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Fill the trailer with boxes, furniture or other household goods you would like to donate. Goodwill then picks up the trailer and delivers your donations to one of our area stores.
Goodwill Stores of the Miami Valley have partnered with ReSupply a third party who is offering donation pickup service for a fee.
ReSupply offers services to would-be donors including:
Pickup within 48 hours or less
Retrieval of items from inside the home and on multiple floors
Disassembly of furniture
Will take items in ANY condition
After a pickup in our area, ReSupply will take the donations to our nearest Goodwill store where staff will evaluate the donations and accept items in accordance with our donation guide. ReSupply will take any remaining items and work with other local organizations to process them. For more questions regarding ReSupply please call 408-758-6821.
The following are items we accept:
• Clothing, shoes, and boots
• Jewelry
• Medical Equipment (sorry no motorized equipment)
• Books, records, compact disks, video tapes and DVDs
• Games, toys, and sports equipment
• Housewares: dishes,
• glassware, kitchen utensils, lamps, and small appliances
• Collectibles, antiques, knick-knacks, and other giftware
• Domestics: linens, curtains, blankets, etc.
• Electronics: stereos, radios, VCRs, DVD players, etc.
• Furniture: dressers, tables, sofas, bed frames (except waterbed frames), etc.
• Other large items
• Televisions – Flat Panel only (No Tube Televisions)
The following are items we regretfully can not take:
• Televisions (Tube Type)
• Motorized Medical Equipment (Scooters or Wheelchairs)
• Mattresses and box springs
• Large appliances
• Vehicle tires and batteries
• Paint and chemicals
• Building supplies
• Wet or soiled clothing
• Infant furniture and car seats
• Items containing gasoline or propane
If you donate clothing, furniture or household
goods to Goodwill, the Internal Revenue Service
may allow a deduction (if itemizing your taxes)
based on fair market value. When you drop
off your donations at Goodwill, you’ll receive a
receipt from a donation attendant. Hang on to this
receipt. (Goodwill Stores and Donation Centers
do not retain a copy of this receipt.) At the end of
the year, you may be eligible for a tax deduction
on clothing and household items that are in good
condition. For any advice regarding your donation
in the preparation of your taxes please consult
with your TAX ADVISOR.