The Dreams I Wish To Come True

Today, is National Make a Dream Come True Day and I’m truly a dream wisher.

All my life I have dreamed about the inevitable. I believe we all have a little dream-wisher inside of us. Think about it, if you never dream, what do you have to look forward too.

As I think about the dreamers, a few people come to mind. I’m a huge Cincinnati Bengal’s fan and have been for a while. If you follow the National Football League, you know last year wasn’t our best. Quarterback Joe Burrow, who once lived in Athens, Ohio, must have been feeling down. To make matters worse, Joe suffered a major injury to his leg. I must believe that he’s a dreamer, for this year, his team won the AFC North title and he’s having his best year yet.

The “Queen of Soul”, Aretha Franklin, crosses my mind as a dreamer. I watched the movie RESPECT, which was about her life.  Although she had the voice of an angel, her life was hard at times. She suffered sexual abuse as a child and physical abuse as an adult. Aretha also dealt with alcoholism. With all her trials and tribulations, she was and always will be one of the greatest singers of all times. Again, I believe she was dreaming of what could be and, in return, wished it into existence.

Tony Award winner, Ali Stroker, is one of the best in the Broadway business. Although she has a disability, her love of acting never took a back seat. Ali is the first person to appear on Broadway who uses a wheelchair; she was involved in a serious car accident that led her to be in a wheelchair for the rest of her life. I imagine she dreamed of one day doing what she loved before and even after the car accident. Good thing her ability to dream brought her wish to reality because she’s the bomb. Since her win, I’ve seen her in several movies and television shows. I think the best is still yet to come for Ali.

As for me, where would I be without my dreams that I wished to be true?  Obtaining a college degree was not what the professionals thought I was going to be able to get, but I did. Living independently in my own domain was questionable to a few, but dreaming and putting my mind to it, brought a wish to reality. Finding a soulmate who would love me unconditionally, took a minute, but like Cinderella, my prince came or as I call him, my favorite guy.

Unfortunately, when you have a disability, your ability to dream for a bright future must be on high alert.  Some believe that wishing in our dreams are unrealistic, but it’s all good. Keep dreaming my people, keep dreaming!

I’ve always been an optimist. I know life is not going to be filled with roses but it’s not going to be all thorns either.

My birthday is tomorrow, and I’ll be celebrating the big, 49. Even at 49, I have many dreams that I am still wishing to come true. Every year I seem to knock a few off, and as a result, I add a few more. It feels amazing to see some of my dreams come true. I’m extremely grateful for I know the heavens are looking down on me.

Never lose your ability to dream, for they do come true. Believe

4 comments on “The Dreams I Wish To Come True

  1. Sharon B. Mitchell on

    Good Afternoon Shari,
    I have been reading your blogs for several months and I believe this is one of your best! You are such an inspiration to me and others. I am one of God’s Messengers, a Preacher, and although I did not begin my career as a spokesperson for the Lord, I dreamed of helping people. As a young girl, I witnessed my Maternal Grandmother helping people in our neighborhood. Some of them had no place to sleep and she would offer her porch, bringing blankets and pillows to keep them comfortable during the night. Observing her and the people made me dream of how I wanted to be a spokesperson for people in need.

    Thank you for reminding us that there is nothing wrong with dreaming.

    Keep up the excellent work! God Bless!!

    Sharon B. Mitchell


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