Bucket List 2020

One of my favorite movies is The Bucket List starring Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson. The movie is about two men with terminal cancer who made a list of things to do so that they could live life more abundantly before dying.

Since we’re in the new year, I’ve decided to make my own bucket list. Why wait till your life is in jeopardy? I’m going to start making some of my dreams come true while I can enjoy them and just maybe speak them into existence.

The saying goes “What goes on in Vegas, stays in Vegas”! The first thing on my bucket list is to take a vacation to Las Vegas. I want to experience all it has to offer including; the fine dining, spectacular shows, shopping, take in the sights, try my luck in a casino and see the strip all lit-up. Perhaps, while I’m there, I’ll even visit the Grand Canyon.

Did you know, I love to dance? I dance around the house all the time with my special guy and my dog, Tiny. For that reason, I would love to take a dance class. To be more specific, belly dancing would be my dance of choice. I figure since my legs won’t cooperate for line-dancing, I’d try another body part out so I can still get my groove on. Not only would belly dancing help strengthen my core which would improve my overall physicality, but it would help me work on getting abs of steel.

Nowadays, the world is so diverse and filled with many interesting beautiful people. Taking up a foreign language would allow the doors to open to communicate with people around the world who speak another language. The first language I would like to learn is Spanish because next to English, Spanish is probably the second language most spoken. This would allow me to make new friends, build my resume and most importantly, learn something new.

Lastly, I would love to attend a taping of the Ellen DeGeneres show and meet her! I watch her show every day and love how she spreads kindness through-out the world. It doesn’t matter a person’s race, sex, age, disability or gender, she’s down with everyone, as long as you’re a good person. I think that’s the way it should be. I’ve had many odds stacked against me, but as Ellen’s character says in the movie, Finding Nemo, I’ve kept swimming. To be able to meet her and say “thanks” for being a bright light in this time of chaos, would be a dream come true.

In the past, I’ve made new year’s resolutions and about a month in, they’re a fond memory. I’m not going to do that this year. I’m going to plan to knock some things off my bucket list. Life is short so anytime or any way you can find to make life more enjoyable, you should. I’m not sure how many things I will get to on my bucket list this year, but it gives me something to aim for. I will add more as I complete others and keep you updated. I hope you also have a bucket list filled with hopes and dreams that can one day be accomplished.

10 comments on “Bucket List 2020

  1. Jerome Haney on

    Shari mine is each year the same, “Don’t make any.” 🙂 I consider myself “safe” when I don’t, that way I won’t break one. I like your list, I too have some things as well. Yesterday I registered again for my “Healthy Cooking,” class at Sinclair through the College for Lifelong Learning. What I need to do is downsize with some books. Its hard tho. 🙂

  2. Cheryl on

    Good article Shari (as always). I started watching that movie last night, but didn’t complete it. It’s good to focus on setting goals – I’m all about that!

    • Shari Cooper on

      Thanks Cheryl,
      Be sure to make your way back to finishing up that movie for it’s a great one. I’m sure your year will be great for you are a good person who’s always focus.
      Happy New Year

  3. Beverly on

    My husband and I were recently talking about our bucket lists. I am sure it won’t surprise many that know me, that most had to do with fishing adventures. We have decided we want to fish in 6 different rivers. I also want to learn to fly fish!
    While I am fishing I find it easy to be myself and I am comfortable with who I am no matter what is going on in the world around me. Feeling the gentle wind on my face and the powerful water rushing past my legs, reminds me of my strengths and abilities to face all sorts of things in life. I will continue to strive to find more opportunities to experience this peace and share my adventures with those who will listen!
    Keep on keeping on Shari! You are one awesome lady!

    • Shari Cooper on

      To fish in 6 different rivers and to learn how to fly fish are great bucket list contenders! Thanks for the comment and for sharing. Keep me posted on your process!

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