Category: Make Things Happen

Blogger-in-chief, award-winning public speaker, and disability awareness advocate Shari Cooper provides insight, humor, and reflection on a range of issues.

Holiday Festivities Inclusion

Recently, I was invited to a holiday party that I was excited about going too. I had anticipated my outfit, hairdo, and even my fragrance. Imagine my saltiness when I was later informed the venue where the party was being held was up a flight of steps? I was also informed that if I still... Read more »
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Strong Man Mentality

I’ve watched a few strong man competitions on television. The physicality’s that goes in to becoming a strong man are very in-depth. I often wonder what would make a man want to go through such an experience, but I’m guessing the reward of completing such an event is very gratifying. A competition such as this... Read more »
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It Really Is A Wonderful Life

We’ve come to the time of year when many are preparing to celebrate the holiday season. During this time of year, I have many traditions that help me get in the holiday spirit. One of my traditions, as you probably know, is watching holiday movies. Many know Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer is my all-time... Read more »
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Let The Accessible Gaming Begin

Often, I watch my 18-year-old nephew as he plays his PlayStation 5 and let me tell you, I am in aww on how well he can play. I also see the same excitement in my brother’s eyes at age 52 as he plays. It’s apparent that gamers have no age limit; for many individuals love... Read more »
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Giving Thanks 2023

As Thanksgiving 2023 approaches, I find myself giving thanks all-around. As always, I’m thankful for the typical; good health, family, friends, work, and an abundance of great opportunities. This year, I’d like to spotlight my thanks for my cell phone. I know it may sound funny, but my cell phone opens a tremendous amount of... Read more »
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A Helmet Creation For The Love Of The Game

As you all know, I’m a Bengal’s football fan! On any given Sunday, your girl is decked out in orange and black from head to toe ready to root for my favorite team. My love of the game came from my brothers. I used to watch them play football in the street. Many aspire to... Read more »
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Let’s Hear It For The BeyHive

Today’s blog topic comes from my friend, Melissa! I have been a fan of many recording artists in my life including Prince, Michael Jackson, New Edition, and Whitney Houston. Although a fan of many, I never joined anyone’s fan club. Instead, when I was younger, I would listen to my favorite artists’ music, repeatedly, driving... Read more »
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What Epilepsy Is And How Can You Help By: Matthew Rizer

Some disabilities are invisible like epilepsy. Often, when a disability is invisible people make assumptions that are not accurate. You’re in for a treat because today’s blogger, Matthew Rizer, is not only going to break down what epilepsy is, he’s also going to tell you how you can help. Take it away Matt. The floor... Read more »
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Everyone Deserves To Find Love

In the fairy tale story of Cinderella, her desire was to meet a prince and fall in love. Just like the fairy tale, most people would also like to find a prince or princess to fall in love with. Even if you meet him or her and you don’t fall in love, the least you... Read more »
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Full Halloween Dress Up For All

Halloween is coming, and I’m excited. In the past, I’ve dressed up as a maid, referee, and a cowgirl. All costumes were cute but in the back of my mind I was always thinking, I wish there was a way I could incorporate my scooter that I use for mobility purposes. In my opinion, when... Read more »
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