Category: Make Things Happen

Blogger-in-chief, award-winning public speaker, and disability awareness advocate Shari Cooper provides insight, humor, and reflection on a range of issues.

Why Advocates Need Advocates By: Alicia Hopkins

Although I’m proud to be an advocate, there’re times when I need others to advocate for me. Growing up, my mother was my advocate. If not for my mom, I truly don’t know where I’d be now.  I’m appreciative that when I need help, I have a community I can call on including, the Super... Read more »
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The Last Leg

Is it ever acceptable to laugh at disabilities? I laugh all the time when something happens that pertains to my disability. Sometimes funny things happen, and I personally think life is too short to be so uptight. Now, let me clarify, there’s a big difference between laughing at an unharmful funny incident instead of making... Read more »
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Why I Won’t Stop Talking About Suicide By: Anonymous Blogger

Suicide is something people just don’t often talk about. I think people are scared to speak on this matter, but it’s a subject that needs to be discussed to help people who are struggling. A parent’s job is to nurture and provide for their child even through difficult situations. I’m so happy today’s guest-blogger was... Read more »
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Rite of Passage

One thing student’s look forward to during their high school years is graduation. The act of the graduation ceremony is somewhat a rite of passage into adulthood. To walk in unison with your peers, while all are graced in their cap and gown, showing school spirit is just a beautiful thing to witness. As if... Read more »
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Dexter The Amazing Dog

How does one adapt to a situation? In life there’s always going to be something unexpected that you must deal with; it’s just like Tom Hank’s character said in the movie Forest Gump, life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what you’re going to get. It’s easier to deal with a situation... Read more »
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Angels Among Us By: Guest-Bloggers Collaboration

A golden rule that’s taught at a young age is to treat everyone as you want to be treated. Although, it’s a simple rule to follow, often people just don’t get it. When not treated well, especially when you’re a child, it can be devastating. One thing I love about the spirt of Humankind, is... Read more »
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Why Can’t You Just Call Me Shari

I’d like to thank my co-worker Angela for today’s topic. She pointed out that lately, there have been many conversations about the usage of the word “disability”.  This made me really think about the subject and therefore, wanted to give my thoughts about what it means to me. Over the years, there have been many... Read more »
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South Asian Heritage Month By: GESMV’s DEI Committee

Welcome today’s guest-blogger, Goodwill Easterseals Miami Valley’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee.  The blog highlights and speaks about South Asian Heritage. I hope it enlightens you as much as it did for me.  I love learning new cultures and to better understand how we can include all. Shari South Asian Heritage Month is observed every... Read more »
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