I’ve always said, I think it’s easier to be born with a disability than acquiring one later in life.

I was born with Cerebral Palsy (CP). Growing up had its challenges.  Most of my challenges were caused by just my body changing through life, but also, dealing with individuals, who for the most part, were not educated on disabilities and treated me, not so kindly. But for the most part, I had a pretty good childhood. Cerebral Palsy is a part of me and that makes me who I am and I’m truly OK with it.

Can you say, you’re ok with yourself?

The Academy Award nominated 2021 best picture, The Sound of Metal, is a film that brings that question to the big screen.  It makes us all think, are we truly OK with ourselves?

Imagine being an avid musician and music is the root of your soul. When a heavy metal drummer named Ruben realized he was losing his hearing, life as he knew it came to a squelching halt. When you love what you do, you live and breathe it. I know this to be true because I love blogging and that’s evident by my weekly posts.

Actor Riz Ahmed does an amazing job portraying the drummer, Ruben, who’s losing his hearing. Talk about a person angry with his new normal. Ruben was so bent out of shape, you could feel his emotions through the television. Although it seemed halfway through the movie he was adapting, he still wanted to be able to hear.

I tried not to get upset with the actor’s character for doing all he could to reverse his prognoses.  For no matter who you are, if you’re not ok with yourself and can do something to change your outcome, that’s truly a personal choice.

This movie made me look at the actor through a two-way mirror.  It was good for me because I’m a very positive thinker.  I have the mindset that everyone should be strong and try to find the good in every situation; but sometimes, that does not deem true for all and that’s ok because everyone is not the same.

Ruben’s journey is a journey we all can relate to, whether we’re losing our hearing or not. There’s always going to be a difficult situation that’s going to arise in your life and only you’re going to have to deal with it. Whatever choice you make is going to be up to you and although others may not agree, it’s yours to make.

Sound of Metal is a great movie and worth watching. Heads up, a lot of the movie is silent.  It projects a loss of hearing and deafness. There are many subtitles and American Sign Language which took me awhile to catch on to, but the movie is so good. It won’t take you long and you will be caught up in the plot. Enjoy the movie and let me know what you think by providing your own scoop with a comment.


  1. Terri Thrower on

    Shari, this is an excellent post! As someone who grew up with physical disabilities, then acquired blindness in my adulthood, I can attest to how different that acceptance and adaptation process can be. It has taken me many years to simply adapt to it, including NOT using the remaining vision I have.

    I loved this movie and how the sound design/editing really draws the viewer into the experience the lead character is having. The film portrays a journey of self-acceptance and adaptation that, as you point out so astutely, many people go through. It’s adapting to a “new normal” as we all have been during this pandemic.

    Thanks for your great posts! Write on!!


  2. Michael Mickey on

    Very nice post Shari. Keep up the great work you do. Glad to see you are living your life to the fullest. Much love!


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