Full Halloween Dress Up For All

Halloween is coming, and I’m excited.

In the past, I’ve dressed up as a maid, referee, and a cowgirl. All costumes were cute but in the back of my mind I was always thinking, I wish there was a way I could incorporate my scooter that I use for mobility purposes.

In my opinion, when you use any type of mobility device for daily living it becomes an extension of you that should not be ignored. As you know, I’m a proud disabilitian therefore I’m not ashamed of any aspect of my disability including my cute little red Go Go Scooter. For it gets me where I need to go fast.

The year I dressed up as a cowgirl was cute. A co-worker brought me a sharp, red cowgirl hat, and another brought me a toy horse head on a stick that I had been searching for.  Although cute, I was still trying to figure out how to make my entire scooter look like a horse. I just thought the whole concept of using a device that I use and rely on being part of my costume would be cool.

Guess I’m not the only one feeling this way because now there are many stores that are selling wheelchair cover-ups. Wooo Hoo! I’m so happy, for now I can dress up as whatever I want to be.

Although I’m thrilled to learn of this as a grown-up, I can’t help think how kids with disabilities must feel about this too. All kids want to do is to be able to fit in with their peers. Halloween is truly one of those times. Going out trick-treating or to a party with not only an amazing costume but also being able to transform your mobility device into something cool to accent your look is truly the icing on the cake.

As my imagination wonders, I can visualize a kid in a wheelchair decked out in his or her’s costume as a transformer car with an amazing cover-up filled with car details to cover their wheelchair. Not only will this make the young one feel good about themselves, but it will make him or her the cool kid that all the other kids want to hang with.

This is a great way to promote inclusion for all kids. I love looking at something cool and new.

Now, although I’m happy for the kiddos, this woman wants to look cool on this upcoming Halloween holiday too. So, I was thinking since I’m very social and love spreading my wings, this year I’d like to dress-up as a…………………..you guessed it, a beautiful social butterfly.

With this, I’m looking to transform my scooter with beautiful orange, yellow, white, and black colors. I also need very extravagant wings with some type of hook to mount them to my seat. I want it to look as if my scooter is gliding.

If you have any suggestions or if there’s any DIY’s reading this post who has ideas, please reach out. As far as my costume is concerned, this fashionista got that covered.

Halloween is fun and will be elevated for people who use mobility devices because retail finally understands the assignment.

4 comments on “Full Halloween Dress Up For All

  1. Monae Dawson on

    I can’t wait to see the end result Shari. A social butterfly, lol. You never disappoint. Great observation regarding the children. I never thought about there being an issue with their ability to feel included during this particular holiday season.

    • Shari Cooper on

      I’m always searching for ways this world can include people with disabilities. If I can’t find the scooter wings for my social butterfly look, at least I have the costume.

  2. Tony Massoud on

    Shari, I think this is awesone to dress up your scooter for Halloween. It can become an opportunity to extend your costume design. Can’t wait to see your creativity. What about a conrest for best costume design next year for both the scooter and the rider?


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