McCormick Vision Resource Fair

What does it mean to be visually impaired?  How would you function with no eye sight or some kind of vision impairment?  It most probably would be quite the adjustment.  At Goodwill Easterseals Miami Valley, we offer a Vision Program that assist those in need whom have some kind of vision impairment.  We will be hosting the McCormick Vision Resource Fair on October  11, 2018 from 9 AM to 1 PM. This is in collaboration with Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities, Wright State University and the National Federation of the Blind.  The resource fair will have over 25 vendors including agencies, organizations, businesses, and educational institutes who provide resources and services to individuals who are blind or visually impaired.  Also, there will be flu shots available through Walgreens.

Just to put into perspective, here are a few stories that are inspiring and tell a personal story about how it feels to have vision impairment.

Recently, an individual shared a story of how she started losing her eye sight as an older adult. She had been diagnosed with macular degeneration; the doctor informed her that her vision would only get worse.  Learning this stirred up many different emotions: frustration, discouragement, fear and the threat of losing her independence.  The person remembered opening up to a friend, looking for comfort and guidance.  To her surprise, the friend had heard about Goodwill Easterseals Miami Valley Vision Program.  They made plans to visit Goodwill’s vision services to see what they might be able to offer.  They both were amazed at all the equipment and technology that was available to help someone who is losing their vision.  She was able to find a video magnifier to read print, specialized software on her computer to help her read what was on the screen, and she saw a variety of kitchen aids that would allow her to use the stove/microwave safely and cook independently in her kitchen.  Learning about the variety of resources and connecting to individuals who are going through the same thing was extremely helpful!  She did not feel so alone and discouraged after her experience with Goodwill.

A participant wanted to share their story about when they started their journey with Goodwill Easterseals vision placement team. When she came to Goodwill Easterseals Miami Valley, she had lost her husband due to cancer, was laid off from her job of more than ten years, and was asked to move out of her home all within six months’ time.  Although, she grew up with limited vision, the emotional struggles were similar.  She recalls how it felt emotionally; “I felt that I had little or no worth to anyone.  I was alone, and I could not find my place in the world.”  By working with the vision services team, she was able to refresh her computer skills, update the resume, apply to a variety of jobs and finally land the perfect job.  She has been working full-time for this company for over six years and is thankful for the assistance from the Goodwill Easterseals vision services team.   As she looks back today, she shared; “working with them, made all the difference in my life.”

As you can see, if it wasn’t for the adapted equipment; whether it be technology, kitchen aids and even in some cases a guide dog, life would not be as accessible to someone with a visual impairment.  If you have any of these needs or know of someone who does, we invite you to come out and check out all of our vendors and services that are offered.  It promises to be an eye opening experience!


7 comments on “McCormick Vision Resource Fair

  1. Jim Pelfrey on

    Hi, i am a former employee at Good-will, and now full-time at a local Government agency. I had a recent event. I am a big proponent of the IPhone for blind people. a colleague wanted to get his Grand Father who had recently experienced vision loss as a result of a stroke. I explained this might not be the best solution especially if he had never used a smart phone. He was happy with my recommendation. One thing Vision services hit home is that the best solution doesn’t always have to be the shiniest or most technological. those Locater doges are tuly a god send. My wife hands those out to her patients, and it is the bething they could have. With vision loss some times less is truly more. A good lesson for me. As sly stone said “differnet storkes for Different folks”

    • April Davis on

      I say thank you to you both. The people I have met while working for GESMV have been such an inspiration to me, and an invaluable resource for my work. I a excited about the McCormick Vision Fair especially due to the first time in my career, I am working with a participant who has lost all of his site in one eye, and only sees bright color and silhouettes in the other. I am in the process of obtaining resources for him now and GESMV Vision Center (Tambie) has already provided me with resources to help him in the interim. My participant is hoping to be working fully with OOD and the Vision Center soon.

    • Shari Cooper on

      Thanks for the comment! Tambie is great and have a wealth of knowledge on vision services. I’m sure your participant will find out many great things by attending the vision fair that will him succeed in life.

    • Beverly on

      We are open to discuss many options and resources during the event. All are welcome, even though our team does not currently work with youth doesn’t mean you won’t make valuable connections and experience great technologies! If you have questions please feel free to call, 461-4800 ask for Beverly. Thank you

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