Goodwill Shopping Safari – Wrap Up

One hundred serious bargain hunters joined us for the Goodwill Shopping Safari on April 29.

We began at the Troy Goodwill store, amid torrential rain, and loaded up two charter buses full of eager shoppers. Donald Bush hosted the group that visited the Lima, Eastgate and Wapakoneta stores, while Kim Bramlage served as tour guide on the bus headed to the Springfield (Bechtle and Leffel ) and Urbana stores.

The Safari shoppers received raffle tickets for each of the hundreds of bags of gently-used clothing and housewares that they brought to the event. We played games, enjoyed contests and stopped for buffet lunch at area restaurants. Many shoppers left with prizes and gift cards in addition to all of the wonderful treasures they purchased throughout the day.

Thanks to everyone that joined us for the excitement!

Another Goodwill Shopping Safari will be scheduled later this year and we hope that YOU will decide to join us for the fun!

3 comments on “Goodwill Shopping Safari – Wrap Up

  1. Emma on

    Please, email me when the next time the shopping safari tour is, or do you have anymore for this year 2022? I had a great time last time I went and would love to do it again with 2 or 3 friends. Thanks, Emma

    • Donald Bush on

      Emma, this is Donald Bush. Hope all is well with you. We will be hosting the next Shopping Safari in October. More to come, watch for my email.


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