Thanks President George H. W. Bush

As the world mourns the passing of President George H. W. Bush, I wanted to take time to thank him for passing a law that has made my life and others better.

President Bush signed the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) on the South Lawn of the White House on July 26, 1990. The law prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities.

If it hadn’t been for President Bush, many of us would be watching the world behind the glass door. He understood this land was made for everyone and that everyone should have the same opportunities. When President Bush signed the ADA into law, he made sure that no one can deny me services or opportunities just because of my disability.  The ADA allows me and my peers to have a quality of life.  Our quality of life includes working, going to school, raising families and enjoying activities, just not sitting behind that glass door watching others participate.  We are forever grateful for a leader who truly paved the way to make this a reality.

Ironically, President Bush would receive a service dog named Sully from America’s Vet Dog. The beautiful yellow lab became a significant part of the president’s life.  Sully assisted him with opening doors, picking up things and summoning people as his health declined. Many of life’s daily activities for those with disabilities can be difficult; and because of the ADA, service animals are allowed to accompany their owners in-order to assist. That’s just one of the benefits of the ADA, there are so many more attributes.

Below check out the link of a very touching moment as Sully lies in front of Bush’s flag-draped casket.

It shouldn’t matter what political party you’re affiliated with when it comes to paying your respects to someone who made such an important impact on the world. I’m very thankful to President Bush for his empathy and actions because it has made it easier for me and my peers to gain access and succeed.

Because of you President George H. W. Bush, the world is a much better place. Thanks for your public service and rest in peace.

4 comments on “Thanks President George H. W. Bush

  1. Melody Burba on

    Thank you for the posting.Let us reflect on this as we continue to ensure the enforcement of the ADA and strive to defend it whenever it is under attack. I added Sully’s picture to my collection.

    Melody Burba
    Access Center fir Independent Living


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