Category: Make Things Happen

Blogger-in-chief, award-winning public speaker, and disability awareness advocate Shari Cooper provides insight, humor, and reflection on a range of issues.

Splash on Accessibility

One thing I didn’t get to do on my trip to Chicago, is to get in a pool. The hotel’s pool was closed due to the pandemic restrictions. I was kind of bummed because I had bought two cute swimming suites to wear while on vacation. Although, it makes me happy to see and hear... Read more »
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Shari In The Windy City

In case you didn’t hear, a few weeks ago, my favorite Guy and I took a trip to Chicago and it was awesome!  Although, it’s called, “the windy city” it really wasn’t, but it sure was hot. The only time I experienced a taste of its windiness was while I was on the Navy Pier.... Read more »
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Caregiver Crisis

Did you know there’s a caregiver crisis going on? People with disabilities are in desperate need of finding someone to assist he or she in their homes, including me. Since COVID, the personal-care system has struggled and is in a crisis. Many individuals who choose this career have school age children.  Once the pandemic hit... Read more »
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A Scooter Named Cherry

As most of you know, I use an electric scooter for mobility purposes. Every five years, if you receive public health care assistance, you’re eligible to get a new piece of medical equipment. The whole process is vigorous. First a doctor’s prescription and other documents are needed to get the ball rolling. Then, you must... Read more »
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I’ve always said, I think it’s easier to be born with a disability than acquiring one later in life. I was born with Cerebral Palsy (CP). Growing up had its challenges.  Most of my challenges were caused by just my body changing through life, but also, dealing with individuals, who for the most part, were... Read more »
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Aging Lessons

Sometimes you’ll meet a person and know you need he or she in your life. For me, Dr. Julie Williams, a professor at Wright State University, is that person. Not only is Julie smart, but she’s funny. What I love most about Julie is that she is real. When you have a disability, you often... Read more »
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A Mother’s Love

I love to celebrate Mother’s Day. Afterall, you only get one mother to cherish and if are you blessed to have one like mine, she’s the apple of your eye. My mother has taught me so much throughout my life that there’s not anything I can give or do to repay her. What I found... Read more »
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Shaking Those COVID Pounds

Like most in the world, you’ve probably gained weight during the COVID pandemic. Whether you were quarantining, social distancing, furloughed, or stressed out, the pounds started to add up. Unfortunately, many turned to food for comfort during this time and as a result have unwanted pounds stuck to them. I’m happy to be back working... Read more »
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Vacation Ready

This past year, Because of COVID19, we have all been stuck in the house, so who’s ready for a vacation? I love to travel! Going to new places, doing new things, and seeing different faces, really excites me. Another thing I love about traveling is planning activities so I can see all the sites.  I... Read more »
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Crip Camp Goes For Gold

As we prepare to tune in to this year’s Academy Awards, there are a few films I have selected for Oscar gold. My picks are Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom, A Night in Miami, and Crip Camp; all are outstanding and must-see films. But there is one movie that really hits home, and I want it... Read more »
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