Category: Make Things Happen

Blogger-in-chief, award-winning public speaker, and disability awareness advocate Shari Cooper provides insight, humor, and reflection on a range of issues.

It’s Ok To Be A Misfit

I love to watch Holiday movies to get into the holiday spirit. As I mentioned in a post, a few years ago, my all-time favorite is Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer. Most all of you know the story of Rudolph, but I’m always fascinated by his friends that he encountered on the Island of Misfit... Read more »
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Favorite Holiday Memory

One of my favorite songs during the Holiday Season is It’s The Most Wonderful Time of the Year because it brings back memories celebrating the holidays with my family. My family is big into celebrating the holidays and we love hanging out with one another. One of my favorite holiday memories is with my brother,... Read more »
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Holiday Shopping At Your Fingertips

I love shopping! Shopping for anything is what I do in my past-time and it makes me extremely happy. Many refer to shopping as retail therapy. For those of you who agree, shopping is a time to chill-out and look around for things you want or need. Another cool thing about shopping, sometimes you’ll discover... Read more »
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Perspective on World Disabilities Guest-Blogger-Linda Pelfrey

Have you ever wondered how disabilities are perceived around the world?  And who is advocating for change? Well, wonder no more, because in this post, guest-blogger Linda Pelfrey breaks down disabilities in the world in her own unique way. Open your mind as Linda’s words take you on a journey. Shari   On December 3rd,... Read more »
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Thankful-All Around

This year’s Thanksgiving will be even more special. For the last two years, many couldn’t come together due to social distancing caused by covid; But now, many are able to gather and celebrate. I’m so thankful for many things, including my family, peace of mind, friends, independence, job, organizations, task forces, boards, and committees that... Read more »
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Airline Issue-Missing Scooter

Have you ever lost something while traveling on an airline? Perhaps, you’ve lost luggage, a phone, wallet, or even a purse. And, although upset and inconvenienced, none of these things stopped you from physically moving around. If only I could have just lost my luggage when on my fall vacation to Seattle, Washington. The airline... Read more »
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She’s Cooking

I recently purchased an air-fryer and I love it. It’s so simple to use and for me that’s great. I’m not much of a cook due to the physical limitations of my disability. So far, I’ve mastered cooking wings and sausages. My favorite part of my new air-fryer is it requires little clean up and... Read more »
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Reboot-Accessible Halloween 2021

Slowly but surely, after a long two years of dealing with Covid, the world is at least opening back up to some of the normal activities that we have had in the past. I’m so happy life is resuming to some things that we have enjoyed because I’ve missed many traditional activities.  I have missed... Read more »
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If I Could Change the World, by Terri Thrower, Ph.D

During my journey of advocacy, I’ve met a lot of amazing people. Terri Thrower is one of those people. In the two years I’ve know Terri, I’ve found she has a great passion for creating opportunities for others to share their voice. Her perspective of living life with a disability is so unique and refreshing... Read more »
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