Author: Shari Cooper

People Who Have Influence My Life-Pete Lanasa

I attended Gorman Elementary School. Gorman was a school for kids with disabilities and located around the corner from United Cerebral Palsy and Dayton Children’s Hospital. I used to think it was ironic for all of the facilities to be located in the same area. I now know it was purposely set that way to... Read more »
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MS In Hollywood

Stars in Hollywood are coming forward to tell the world they’re battling Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Often, you never hear about those living with a disability until it hits Hollywood status. I along with many of my friends have been living with disabilities since day one. Having disabilities are just a part of who we are.... Read more »
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Being Honored To Be Honored

On June 24th, I received the Edgar J. Helms Graduate Staff Award from Goodwill Industries International.  The Award honors a current Goodwill employee who exemplifies the mission of unselfish service to people with disabilities or other disadvantaging conditions. I must say, I was shocked and over the moon to find out I had won this... Read more »
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I was voted nicest personality by my senior classmates in 1991.  It was an honor to take home that award, for I knew some of my classmates had to personally cast their vote for me. Unfortunately, there were a few students in my graduating class who I knew were not so welcoming to people with... Read more »
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A Ground-Breaking Broadway Star

Stage plays have been my passion ever since I was little. I joined Muse Machine in middle school. Muse Machine offers creative experiences and programs for young people and it exposed me to many great productions.  My first play was the musical Guys & Dolls; I absolutely fell in love. I’m happy to say, since... Read more »
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What’s Your Plan?

The recent Tornado events that hit Dayton and surrounding areas have me a bit rattled. I’m happy to report my family, friends, co-workers, neighbors and I are all ok, which I’m highly grateful for. This national disaster really has me thinking, what was my plan? You may think you know what to do but do... Read more »
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Paid In Full

For those who have graduated from college, one of the first things you think about is how you’re going to pay off your student loan. Student loans can stick with you for years unless you get lucky or have a rich guardian angel pay them off! Some students qualify for financial aid and a percentage... Read more »
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We’re Not In Kansas Anymore

The Wizard of Oz is yet another one of my all-time favorite movies! The plot, “there’s no place like home” is just as relevant today as it was 80 years ago. Many have done theater productions of the iconic movie and I’m sure many young girls, have dreamed of playing the main lead of Dorothy.... Read more »
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