Author: Shari Cooper

Finally….. Television Inclusion

I love my television! I watch a little bit of everything from the news, Family Freud, The Young & the Restless, The Real Housewives of Atlanta, Empire to Storage Wars, Bar Rescue and The Braxton Family Values. I must admit, my television’s obsession has gone up a few notches since there are more shows on... Read more »
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Telling a Positive Story of Advocacy

When I think back to all the tools that have helped me to become a successful advocate, one of the most important is how to tell my story. When delivering a story to a crowd, it’s up to you what the crowd takes away from it. Have you ever heard someone give a presentation, speech... Read more »
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There She Is

Most little girls dream of their wedding day, becoming a mother, and being crowned Miss America. If born with a disability, it doesn’t diminish dreams girls might have. In fact, it might make the urge to fulfill them even stronger. I’m speaking from experience. Although born with a disability, I still tried a little bit... Read more »
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I Represent Three

I represent three categories. I’m a woman who is African–American and I also have a disability. The word for a person who is overlapping social identities and related systems is called intersectionality. While I hate to admit it, I know my categories of my intersectionality often hinder my career success and life in general... Read more »
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Have you ever been bullied? Unfortunately, bullying has been going on since the ice ages but now it has gotten to the point of getting out of control. Bullying has gotten so bad, that there’s no more just fist fighting to settle a dispute.  People are carrying and using weapons in order to protect themselves.... Read more »
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Spring In

Are you ready for longer days, blooming flowers and nice weather? Spring time is upon us and it’s time for changes and fun! Spring time is the time when many things become born again. Think about it. Crops begin to sprout from the earth due to warmth of the season, hints of potatoes, beans and... Read more »
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Pay It Forward

I’ve heard the saying, “Pay It Forward” many times but until it happens to you, you never know the emotional joy that goes along with the actual act itself. Texas Roadhouse is one of my favorite restaurants. For those who have already been there, you’ll understand my obsession with the buttery yeast rolls that melt... Read more »
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Advocacy Day

Advocacy means, the act or process of supporting a cause or proposal according to the Merriam –Webster dictionary. Disability Advocacy has been my purpose for a long time. I’m always advocating and joining forces with others who share in the mission of people with disabilities having a good quality of life. On March 8th,... Read more »
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Celebrating Black History Month- Wilma, Wilma, Wilma

As an African-American, I’m always happy to see Black History Month roll around. Celebrating the accomplishments of my ancestors is a great honor. As an African-American woman who has a disability, I’m ten times more ecstatic to learn about women from my culture who have disabilities and have accomplished great things despite their challenges. I... Read more »
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