Category: Make Things Happen

Blogger-in-chief, award-winning public speaker, and disability awareness advocate Shari Cooper provides insight, humor, and reflection on a range of issues.

Taking Care of Your Mental Health

As we all know, last year was difficult and this year is continuing the same pattern by throwing not only a curve ball, but also a fast knuckle ball. Sometimes life gets so discombobulated, I just need to scream! Our mental health is certainly affected by our surroundings and if you are not taking care... Read more »
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Paralympics Pandemonium

I’m excited because for the first time ever, the 2021 Paralympics will receive evening media coverage. I’ve always been a fan of the Olympics especially this year. I’ve been watching faithfully and must give a shout-out to my favorite Olympian, “The Goat” Simone Biles who won a Bronze Medal on the balance beam after sitting... Read more »
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The World According to COVID-19

Since covid-19 hit, I’ve shared how it interrupted my life from a person with a disability perspective. I often don’t think about how it may affect my family, especially my mom, who has and always will continue to care for me until she can’t. Although I thrive to be independent, I must not forget mom... Read more »
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School Daze

It’s that time of year when the kids will be returning to school! The summer always seems to just fly by. I can’t believe it, but I’ve been out of school for 30 years. Matter of fact, I’m getting ready for my 30th class reunion. I can’t wait to see the mighty lions from the... Read more »
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Festival Girl Returns

As most of you know, I love attending festivals. Before COVID, I would at least attend two festivals a month from May to early October. When COVID hit last year shutting down practically everything, my festival run was put to an immediate halt. Thankfully, some of the restrictions have been lifted and my festivals days... Read more »
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Restaurant Accommodations New Look

One thing I love doing in my pastime is eating out at restaurants. My restaurant time is for “me” time.  I chill out, socialize, and eat good food. Everyone has a pastime he or she enjoys, and for me, that’s visiting restaurants. Although, most restaurants believe they’re following the rules and regulations of the Americans... Read more »
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The Athlete With-In

Have you ever tried something you thought you were not good at, only to find out, you were great at it? As for me, I’m very good at applying my make-up. I’ve gotten so good over the years that I’m able to apply eyeliner.  I’m no pro and must do a little clean-up, but I... Read more »
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Dolls Representing All

When I was a little girl, I would’ve loved to have had a doll that looked like me; one that could represent a person with disabilities. If I had a doll who was in a wheelchair or came with a pair of crutches, my perception of an inclusive world for all might have been, brighter.... Read more »
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Improving the City Stroll

I love taking daily walks with my favorite guy and our dog, Tiny. Since we live in an accessible neighborhood, it’s not difficult to do. But when I’m in an unfamiliar area of a city physical barriers can and most probably become an obstacle. I guess you can say it’s like I am on an... Read more »
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