Author: Shari Cooper

Women Rock

Happy Women’s History Month. There are many women I admire that have helped shaped me into the strong independent women I am today. Without the mentoring of great women, many girls wouldn’t have the knowledge needed to grow into the women they are today. As a woman with a disability, I admire the pioneers who... Read more »
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Advocacy 365

Once again, I come to blog nation to help me celebrate March.  This month is Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month. I am so happy there’s a month to share with the world to show the strides in which we make as a community. The month of March not only gives persons with disabilities to share their... Read more »
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Dental With Empathy

Receiving dental care is a big deal in the disability community.  Beyond finding an actual dentist, there are other barriers that are usually not considered. So, with this blog, my hope is to bring this subject to the forefront and help others find the best way to keep their teeth healthy. Dental care is a... Read more »
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The Struggles to Achieve Cherry

Most of you know that I love my scooter and it is very important to me for my mobility and independence.  Well, last year, it was time to get a spanking new shiny scooter.  That task proved to be a struggle.  I eventually was able to get my new scooter, which I named Cherry; but... Read more »
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Honoring Black History 2022-Another Great 28

Black History Month is one of my favorite months. I’m honored to be a part of such a prestigious group of people. It’s my pleasure to share my annual list honoring some of the best.   Marcus Cooper- because of my brother, Marcus, the Dayton’s streets are cleared of trash and snow. Marcus is a... Read more »
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To Start Anew

Happy Groundhog Day! Today is the day where the world finds out whether there will be six more weeks of winter or if spring is on the horizon. One thing I love about my job, as blogger-in-chief, is I get to share my personal thoughts with you on various subjects, events, and holidays. Although I’m... Read more »
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Time To Get Organized

Every year I say, this is the year I will get things organized! I think everyone make this promise to themselves. Whether it’s clothes, books or magazines, shoes, or can goods in the cupboard, everyone has something that they need to get organized. As for me, my big 2022 organization project will be paper organization!... Read more »
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Red Dog Relatable

As a child, I was into the Smurfs, Sesame Street, and Mickey Mouse. Clifford the Big Red Dog was never on my radar until now. My great niece, who is my hair dresser and the most amazing person, came over to my house to do my hair.  It’s a process, so I suggested we watch... Read more »
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