Category: Make Things Happen

Blogger-in-chief, award-winning public speaker, and disability awareness advocate Shari Cooper provides insight, humor, and reflection on a range of issues.

Coop’s Movie Scoop Of The Theory of Everything

If you haven’t seen The Theory of Everything yet, you’re missing out on a great movie. It’s a few years old but it’s a great story about the amazing theoretical scientist and cosmologist, Stephen Hawking. The Theory of Everything stars 2016 Oscar Award Actor Eddie Redmayne who portrayed Hawking to a tee. Stephen Hawking could... Read more »
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Celebrate Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month

 March is Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month. President Ronald Reagan made the proclamation in 1987. During this month, people with disabilities are recognized for being an important part of society. People with disabilities work, attend school, buy homes, pay taxes, have families, and enjoy community events just like those without disabilities. Persons with  disabilities makes up... Read more »
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Accessible Style Accommodations

     I love getting my hair done! When I was on my feet, I had a standing appointment to go to the beauty salon every two weeks to get all prettied up. That was my “me time”, taking out-time and pampering myself. Like most women and even men, when your hair-stylist finished giving you that... Read more »
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Random Acts of Kindness Day

Today is Happy Random Acts of Kindness Day. This day is recognized for doing random kind gestures for your fellow man. Here are a few I wanted to share with you from myself and some of my friends: Anonymous- I live next door to a church and I mow the park they have in the... Read more »
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Wonder Is Wonderful

Have you seen the movie, “Wonder”? If not, it’s a must see that will delight your heart and teach everyone a lesson in acceptances. Wonder’s story-line is based around a boy named Auggie.  Auggie, who’s ten, has facial differences and has been home schooled, but is about to attend public school for the first time.... Read more »
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28 People to Celebrate (Black History Month)

February is Black History Month. In honor of this month, I chose 28 African-Americans to honor and celebrate.  I believe that they have changed the world by their advocacy and impacted the world for the better. Erma S. Cooper (my mom)- Erma Cooper was tasked and successfully completed raising six children after her beloved husband... Read more »
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45 & Fabulous

Guess who’s turning 45 on January 13? That would be me!  I can’t believe what a difference five years makes but these past years have been pretty good. Five years ago when I first start blogging, one of my first posts was about turning 40. In the post I shared my thoughts on where I... Read more »
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Happy Holidays

This is truly my favorite time of the year! We’re in the midst of the holidays and it’s time for movies, music, dancing, sparkling lights, good food, family, friends and Jolly Ole St. Nick to make his grand appearance. Is it me, or do most people seem to be in a good mood this time... Read more »
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The Success of a Blog “Make Things Happen”

For the past several years the blog Make Things Happen has taken on new heights that I couldn’t have imagined in my wildest dreams. Who would have ever thought, just by having a topic that weighed on your mind you could in return write it down, draft it again and again, change it up a... Read more »
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Amazing Gift

Around the holidays, I try to compose or find stories to blog that I feel will warm the hearts of many. The story of an experimental therapy treatment that helped sixteen year Christian Guardino from going totally blind, is definitely one of those stories. Leber’s Congenital Amaurosis (LCA) is a rare genetic disorder that... Read more »
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